gym class heroes update
kirsten and i got to tremont around six & cut in line with paige. after we got our wrist bands we stood by the gate and sutff, & who do we see but crazy angie (the one who said she was married to jordan from nfg). anyways. so she's talking to this group of girls and paige and i are like oh noz. turns out she was saying she was travie's girlfriend.
while we are standing there and she is telling all this stuff, travis walks outside and angie RUNS...i mean sprints towards him, giving him a huge hug. so i get on aim an IM him: me: that lady that just hugged you is saying she is your girlfriend, she's crazy. travie: no. nuh uh. no way. me: come call her out travie: i'm scared
so now he knows. after a while he comes back outside and she RUNS at him again, and he sort of put his hands up and got in the van, trying to shut the door quickly. and it was hilarious. we are all laughing because we know he knows, she doesn't.
we get inside and we stand on the side part near the left speaker and are kind of just hanging out. kelly had panic! pictures saved and let me look at them. which equaled me squealing every picture because brendon is so cute. anywho. katherine showed up and stood near me.
hot vegas was kinda of..typical?
cartel was very cute. i'm glad i knew songs this time. they last time i saw them was still better. i wasn't as impressed as i was last time. but whatever. i like them now.
and of course. gym class time!
travie looked amazing. that boy is just too fine for his own good. i swear.
they were so amazing. i danced and sang along and it was awesome. they put on one of the best live shows ever. before they played make out club travis called angie out. he goes "if anyone is going around telling you they are my girlfriend. it's not true. don't believe everything you hear." so of course i die laughing since i'm the one who told him.
he started talking about w.w.j.d? and he said something about how for the longest he thought it meant what would jack daniels do? and i laughed hard, again.
travis is funny.
um. he forgot the words to one song and when it was all over he was like "i'm so stupid!"
but yes. best live show. seriously. it was very entertaining and just up beat and amazing.
after the show kirsten and i decied to try to meet travie, cause well it's travie and i wanted to talk to him in person and be like "uh. i'm alexis" since we talk on aim and i told him about angie.
while we were waiting to meet him, i over heard angie talking to him about how "i never said i was your girlfriend" and he was so scared looking and trying to get her away. when she left i kinda went up to him and i was like "i'm alexis" and he smiled and was like "ohh" then he bent down and got close and was kinda all "i'm scared" and we started talking about angie and he looked around and shushed me.
he gives great hugs and he's pretty much super adorable and nice.
while he was taking a picture with kirsten i said something about his ~*girlfriend*~ and he all "ha..ha..HA HA HA HA HAA...ha" so cute.
and loves how he knows me from my aim sn and the fact that i harass him.
what a great ending to a week.
oh, set list (which is signed by travis):
the queen and i
shoot down the stars
taxi driver
good times
new friend request
make out club
clothes off!!!
kid nothing vs. the echo factor
on my own time
cupids chokehold
under the bridge
ps.. they played part of a justin timberlake song.