
Mar 10, 2007 00:31

literally just got back from Chicago. I'm really tired and I have a head ache and fever. But all so worth it. I drove the entire way home but Janna who has never before even driven on a highway, drove 99 miles of the 306 miles to Chicago from St. Louis. I am very proud of her. I spent way too much money, that I don't have, and ate and ate and ate. We stayed at the Chicago International Hostel and parked for free across from Loyola. I want to specially thank Evelyn crackmonkeygirl for all of the help she gave us in all of the great places to go. We basically took the redline for everything. We went to Chinatown, Ragstock, that Japanese paper store, Something Old Something New, basically everything she said we should check out. Manohman, It was a lot of fun. We met a lot of interesting people too. When we were going to the Art Institute, we met this guy named Sandy who is a freshman film major at Columbia. He basically took us there because we didn't know that we were supposed to get off at Monroe. He was a really nice guy and it's too bad that Janna and I didn't get his email or anything. I guess if we really want to get creepy, we can look him up on facebook. We also talked to some guys at the Garfield greenline stop who gave us some tips on decieving the Chicago Transit Authority bus drivers. First of all, that bus stop was hella creepy because people were yelling and busting bottles everywhere. But those guys were real tight. The CTA security guy at the Granview stop was really cool too. Although I loved the city, something about it was really gloomy, all of the time. People rarely smiled at each other. People rarely held doors for others, or said "please" or "thank you". Although I did get a wave by this real old smiling couple. And I did get a lot of cat calls. Janna said that I must have been soliciting attention, but all I did was pretend that I wasn't from out of town.

I know this is ridiculous but my favorite part about Chicago is the public transportation. hah. That's what I love about cities--walk a lot, ride with strangers. I think that every city needs a good transit system. It pisses me off that St. Louis's metro is mediocre at best.

Well, although I'm brutally exhausted, I told myself that I would be good with this trip and upload pictures when I got home so that it wasn't so shoddy when I finally got myself to do it. So here it is, just the digital prints. I also brought my Franka and my Polaroid Spirit 600 so I'll have to develop and scan those later at school.

This is Janna's first merge onto a highway.


Janna's top speed.

Because I'm Vain

A polaroid of the sunrise. Oh the colors turned out so well!

Janna had to take this picture of me because of the rainbow that fell on my eye.

When we got there to the hostel and checked in, the first thing we did was walk to the beach and pick rocks and shells.

frozen waves

& I took pictures of birds and wrote shit in the sand. I said something and Janna misheard me and thought that I said that "there's a God in Chicago" instead so I wrote that in the sand.

We went to a city park and took pictures there too.

around this time, we we went to china town and did all of our shopping and shit.

We had just barely made it to the art museum for the free section (thanks to sandy)

Here are my favorite pieces that I saw:

After that we walked a lot down Michigan and saw the iceskating rink and sky line and shit.

There was some sort of giant face television display.

some nice german fellow took these two for us.

We went to the hostel and slept and I think I caught my fever there because the room was so fucking cold. The electricity in our room wasn't working all day so the heater was never on. I had never been so fucking cold in my life. my whole body ached when I woke up because my muscles were clenched the whole night.

We again walked down to the beach and ate breakfast

and then we took a long ass time to get to the museum of science and industry to see body worlds, one of the main reasons we went to chicago and it was fucking $23 too much for us to spend so we just sat outside and I died a little.

For our last supper, we went to this vegetarian restaurant and ate so many yummy vegan things. It was called "Alice and Friends Vegetarian Cafe"

Well, that wasn't even half of the shit that we stuffed into our 36 hour stay in Chicago.
Alright, well I'm about to pass out. g'night.
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