Crazy Hugg-Addict working herself up for the next Hit!

Aug 28, 2008 18:55

So, I think that all my workmates probably hated Alex (apex_chio) early today, though even more-so after she came by.
Beforehand, as there was no customers, i wandered around saying "Alex got back yesterday! I get to see Alex soon!"
And then after wards I jumped around saying "I got an Alex-hugg-fix! Alex is back! I saw Alex! I hugged Alex! Did you see her? She's Back!"
I was on a high. *Sigh* But such a good one.
One of my workmates asked "she's you best friend's girlfriend, isn't that bad?" That i like to hugg her? Nope. Anyone would get huggs if any of you came to my store when i was there -- huggs are good and choir people hugg nice :P
How do people go through their lives not forming huggy-close-missingy-friendships? Shrugg. Sad for them, not for me. Plus time is *so* relevant in this situation - 3 weeks of lost huggs.
(Side note: Yeah! Alex is Home!)
Anyway, i send big Huggs to everyone! Hugg-addict that i am!
See most of you tomorrow -- Annual DInner! Yeah!

Edit: Ok, just read that -- i sound so bouncy... EEH! I'l live! [smiles] ttfn [waves]
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