Thinky thoughts....

Jan 17, 2015 14:38

I can happily say that the last few weekks have been very productive in getting back into my groove of writing.  Last year was a bust for words in general, just hit a wall, had no inclination and life stuff going on.  It happens.

It helps to be part of a writing community like 1_million_words - the prompts have been pushing me to write short fics and stimulating something in my brain to create, so yey for all the peeps over there at the comm, they is so awesome!

A lot of my older fics have been getting attention as well with some nice comments coming through. You get attached to certain fics I find, some I'm happier/prouder with than others.  Some are like your fic!babies, you just treasure them always - so when someone says something nice or takes the time to read and leave a note, it's all very much appreciated.  Plus I find that stimulates the brain cells also, because sometimes you think hmmm, actually I could really write a missing scene for that fic or series.

So I'm taking advantage of my groove for now and I hope the words continue to flow.   I'm also hoping more BBC Musketeers will help me dip my toes in a new fandom for writing, because something fresh is always good :D

thinky thoughts

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