Feb 17, 2008 18:05
A few items today, most of them concerning gaming. First off, XBox Live Gold is being surprisingly good for non-Hexic type games. Thanks, lag correction! Thus, I think I'll stick with this online gaming thing for a bit. Team Fortress 2 is pretty fun, I've got to admit, as was that Call of Duty 4 that I rented. (PTSD not included.) Rock Band's working pretty good as well, so props to the 360 all around.
This leads nicely into point 2, and that is Poker Smash. This $10 XBL doohickey is the next evolution of Tetris Attack, and on a non-Nintendo platform, no less! The suits add a new dimension to tile matching (though full houses have an annoying knack of screwing up chains) and slow-mo and bombs will improve chain length a great deal. Not to mention that the tug-of-war style multiplayer works a lot better than the "clear one chunk of a garbage block, line up a chain while it's disappearing, repeat" method of MP.
However, the Wii is still getting used, mainly due to the imminent release of Smash. I just can't wait to play the one fighting game series released for the longest time that's actually fun - not to mention four-player!
Finally, the DS is getting major playtime too, thanks to both Professor Layton and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. And it's about time for tacos, so better cut this short. So, yeah. Interactive Entertainment 4 Life, j0!