May 20, 2005 13:26
Have you ever been hit on by a balding 60 something politician?
I have as of last night and the unfortunate phone call I received this morning. It was a professional conversation for the first 20 minutes and it got creepy in the last 2. I just can't believe that the first time I get blatantly hit on, it's by someone who is absolutely disgusting!
Other than that, things have been swell. I've been hanging out and watching a lot of movies. I went to a Planned Parenthood function last night and won one of the silent auction items! It's for a photography class. I paid $100 for a $225 class! And my money goes to fun Planned Parenthood, not the studio, so I'm really happy. I faxed my resume to apply for a position at the Administration location, hopefully they like me! I am still looking to apply other places. Part of me wants a non-big kid job and just work at some dinky starbucks or something. There are a million here.
I hung out with Eli the other day, and that was awesome. Probably the best day I've had here so far. I just walked downtown and to the Platte river. We just talked and laughed like old times.
I think I'm going to continue to be lazy and take a nap.