(no subject)

May 06, 2007 21:41


i wish people that knew my e mail address wouldn't give it out. Especially to people I went to High School with that I didn't much care for.

some chick sent me 3, yes THREE, e mail invites for MySpace...and then she e mails me acting all buddy buddy and 'how have you been? it's been sooooo long since we talked.' Umm..yeah. reason for that...I Do Not Like Talking To YOU.

ummm..I already HAVE a myspace...however, I don't use any of those 3 e mail addresses for my login there...I use an e mail address I set up just for MySpace that no one knows so they can't try to hack into my account there.

but yet...3 invites is a bit of an overkill I think...

no clue who gave her my e mail addresses either...probably Brandy. They were fairly good friends in high school. And Brandy knows I can't stand this chick(who is also named Heather..haha). However, Brandy needs bugger off herself...y'know, since I refuse to drive her around since she still doesn't have her license and that makes me a "bad friend" for not wanting to drive her to stalk her ex boyfriends at midnight. No thanks...I'd rather just go hang out over at the McElwee's house every weekend instead. heck...she followed me(or rather, her sister was driving her around and they both followed me) out that way a couple of weekends ago. They were even so bold as to pull into the drive before thinking better and getting back onto the road. However, they proceeded to pass the McElwee's house 10 times within an hour, driving slowly, up and down the road. We were all standing out on the dock of the pond and watching them....we gave up after an hour and decided that yes, they are pathetic..and went back inside.
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