aww it's okay, don't be scared!

Apr 02, 2008 14:51

So, there's something that my reviewers have been doing a lot lately that I feel really needs to be addressed.


You don’t have to hide behind anonymous every time you give me critique. Hell, I like constructive criticism because it helps me to improve and helps me to see my weaknesses. Just because you tell me you think I’m being long-winded or worded something awkwardly doesn’t mean I’m going to start frothing at the mouth and leap out of the computer screen and bite you. SRSLY GUYS, AM I REALLY THAT SCARY? xD I know I've posted reviews in my journal and laughed at them before but those were only two flames (well, one was a pseudo-flame that I was confused as to why they even posted it), which are different from critique. Okay, and I admit it, I probably should have f-locked them from the beginning and I apologise if those bothered anyone, my bad.

But keep in mind (and this is something that I feel EVERY reviewer should learn especially since I know it took me a while to learn D:):

There's a difference between constructive criticism vs. criticism vs. flame. And if you're one of those people who have a hard time differentiating between them, then I recommend reading this old stellar guide that was written a while ago here.

I like to experiment sometimes; sometimes it comes out awesome… and other times it comes out as some horrible purple prose that goes on for a page and a half talking about mashed potatoes. But I’m just some bum on the internet (that just so happens to be an art student, so I’m used to daily thrashings of my work) and I’ll probably agree with you. So what if I don’t though, it’s not that big of a deal and I might gently/politely try to say why I don’t agree, but I most definitely won’t criticize you or get angry.

HOWEVER, please do not take this as an excuse to start blindly flaming and insulting me, or as me saying “DON’T REVIEW IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANY CRITQUE, RAWR.” Really, I’m just happy knowing people actually read and like what I write, so you don’t need to apologise if you can’t formulate essay-length reviews. I love all of my reviews; even the incoherent ones where I have no idea wtf you’re saying, but I at least know you like it and that’s all I need.

TL;DR: Feel free to critique me, I promise I won’t eat you for it.

Alright? Cool, now high-fives all around!~ ♥♥♥



lolol i'm scary, important post, straight for naruto, reviews

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