dribble drabble

Jun 12, 2007 17:46

I... honestly don't know. D: I'm in a weird mood today ( Read more... )

drabble-rific, ohhh dirty, sasunaru

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Comments 26

tooloony June 12 2007, 23:28:06 UTC
OMG, that was SO funny. Lol. Seriously. I mean, I knew it was nothing like THAT, but it was just so...hilarious. Great job! And don't worry about WWJD, I'm sure we can all wait a bit longer. :Twitch: Heh. Loved the dribble drabble! ;)


heeythatsmybike June 12 2007, 23:35:57 UTC
Hur hur, thanks. I love tricking people with fake lemon scenes and getting death threats!.

I just want it to be the best for all of youuuuu. D: *love*

Good, I'm glad!! ♥


(The comment has been removed)

heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 00:35:40 UTC
Their love grows with every brush and stroke! ;O;

(I wonder if there's miso flavoured toothpaste...)


shini_chii June 13 2007, 00:19:44 UTC
Naked taijutsu LOL.
I was all "... lollipop? ice-cream? what is it?" while thinking of pr0n, of course.

*glomps you* don't worry about WWJD, dear more time to get some motherfucking ink to print it we will enjoy it more after the waiting ^__^.


heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 00:38:29 UTC
It's like the naked tango, only more violent. <3

*glomps back* Aww the poor trees XDD the next chapter is like 20+ pages long, whut officemax is going to love me for helping their printer ink sales. ♥


shini_chii June 13 2007, 00:44:28 UTC
... tango ♥.

... you just made me happy in the pants, I swear. And the poor thing right next to me is complaining already about the ink, DX;.
ILU mi vida ;o;♥.


thepinkangel June 13 2007, 00:27:05 UTC
I know I'm probably waiting in a long line, but...

Marry me? ♥ I'll carry you over the threshold of our cardboard box home and everything! ♥

Your beta sounds cool :D I need one for some of my pics XD;


heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 00:32:37 UTC
You have a "Singing in the Rain" icon-- I COULD BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU ON THAT ALONE. <333

...Or we could skip straight to the honeymoon?? :Db

YA, TOTALLY. ♥ Ehehe, and I might end up sending you a piece of the chapter tonight/tomorrow just to see what you think about the flow, is that cool? :D;


thepinkangel June 13 2007, 02:21:54 UTC

Have another! ♥ I mean, it's only MY MOST FAVORITE MOVIE EVAR. LYKEOHMAGAWD. ♥ Donald O'Connor for the win!

Sex meh good, babeh ♥

Hahaha XD Do they comment here often? :o
Yeah! That's completely fine :D I LOOK FORWARD TO IT~ andyoumightseethemcandycanenunchucks♥


heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 23:40:11 UTC
OH BABY, TAKE ME NOW!!! LKSJDFLKSDJ IT'S MY FAVORITE TOO (I'm a sucker for musicals)!! ♥ Hell yeah, Donald O'Connor is love!

Unf unf! :D

Yesss thanks!! :D (but now it might have to be tomorrow, since I took a day of and just slept all day XD). You finished?! Show me, show me!!


dollhouse__x June 13 2007, 00:31:47 UTC
yuhhhh <3 hur hur hur I knew it was gonna be something like this, wouldn't put it past you bike >D <333

This had me very amused yess. Although half of my brain was actually hoping for a pervy scene whut


heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 00:40:24 UTC
You know me too well. XDD "What, Bike serious? BAH! That's impossible!"

Gooood, I'm pleased with this. 8D The sad things is... so was mine, and I wrote it. *FAILS*


dollhouse__x June 13 2007, 00:54:32 UTC
LOL Well partly because I read "dirty mouth" so I was kinda like ORAL B :D?

So maybe that's telling you to write something sexyy for us 8Db?


heeythatsmybike June 13 2007, 23:42:29 UTC
Hahaha Oral B? LOSERRR (I was actually thinking of the Orbits commerical when I wrote that, that "dirty mouth? clean it up! :D")

I-I think it is!!! The will of the pervert too strong, it is. D:


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