New chapter, a-hoy!

Apr 24, 2007 08:59

Geez, I was going to wait until FFnet stopped being stupid and the alerts started working again, but I'm impaitent so screw alerts! I'm posting it!!
Uh... I feel like I made Naruto a little bit too A.D.D. and scatterbrained in this chapter, but oh well. Hopefully he's not TOO OOC.

Enjoy pretties! ♥

Title: What Would Jesus Do?
Rating: M / NC-17
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wwjd, fanfiction

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transient_words April 24 2007, 19:50:45 UTC
Truthfully, it is a real treat to read this fic after having had a stressful and very unpleasant time with exams. This is was a wonderful chapter: I love the fact that the flow is good and it is easy to read. You describe things very well, without overdoing it or sounding too flowery (that’s something I and many other authors tend to be guilty of). As strange as it sounds, whilst reading your descriptions I have no difficult imaging the things in my head. The short paragraph with Sasuke reflecting on Itachi was a perfect example of this - it was wonderfully vivid and extremely well-written. Furthermore, you also describe physical reactions well.

I absolutely adore the way how you described the family therapy and introduced each character. Shikamaru’s reaction was perfect and the Lee/Gai scene made me giggle (and squee). Naruto’s musings were very much spot on - he behaved very much like one would expect him to do in the manga - and his sarcasm regarding the whole therapy was a nice touch. It was also very typical of him run after Sasuke and try comforting him; I think you really captured the essence of his character. That means that his liveliness, his enthusiasm and honesty was all there.

The Sasuke-Naruto interaction was brilliant: I like that you’re building up a friendship between these two. Admittedly, it is that unspoken and bond of loneliness that makes the coupling so intriguing to me - and you really portrayed that bond well.


heeythatsmybike April 24 2007, 22:01:29 UTC
I'm happy to hear it was such an enjoyable read (especially since it was written when I was stressed/fried from preparing for finals)!!! I'm glad you're able to picture everything in your head since it's what I am for! I'm an artist through and through so I like to more-so think of writing as painting pictures with my words- so really it's the same craft, just a different medium. <3

I'm glad you think Naruto is spot-on since I was worried he was a bit all over the place in this chapter, especially since I was trying to cram all these different side of his character in there all at once (and you just named everything I was trying to show *GLEE*).

Ahh, I will forever love your well-thought out, eloquent, and insightful reviews. ♥ Thank you so much dear!!! *loves on you*


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