New chapter, a-hoy!

Apr 24, 2007 08:59

Geez, I was going to wait until FFnet stopped being stupid and the alerts started working again, but I'm impaitent so screw alerts! I'm posting it!!
Uh... I feel like I made Naruto a little bit too A.D.D. and scatterbrained in this chapter, but oh well. Hopefully he's not TOO OOC.

Enjoy pretties! ♥

Title: What Would Jesus Do?
Rating: M / NC-17
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wwjd, fanfiction

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thepinkangel April 24 2007, 15:49:37 UTC

*in process of beta-ing!*

Um, I'm in class, but I started reading and checking it over. I dunno if you sent this to me yet, but I checked my email and didn't see anything that I didn't recognize.

I'll email you the beta-ed version, is that okay? :3 All edits will be bolded and underlined so that you can see them easily.


heeythatsmybike April 24 2007, 16:02:17 UTC
Ah that'd be perfect!
Uh.. I'm actually in class too, so hopefully I'll get it before it ends.

Thank you!!~~ ♥


thepinkangel April 24 2007, 16:27:51 UTC


Notes are in the email.

Oh, and by the way? I LOVED this chapter DDDDD: ♥♥♥ I had such a hard time not busting a gut in the middle of class XDDD;;;

Mahree mee und haff mah bebehs D: ♥


heeythatsmybike April 24 2007, 17:23:22 UTC
Y-you even went back and pasted in all the changed I made!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! *showers you with love*

HEH HEH. >D Gewd, I'm glad you liked it!! <333 I felt like I made Naruto too moronic... but then I remembered it was Naruto so I guess that's okay. ♥

LOLK ♥♥ Or we could go straight to the honeymoon ohoho~


thepinkangel April 24 2007, 18:25:31 UTC

Er...uh...what? :D;;;; *loves back*
You...deserve're...awesome? :D;;;; *confused*

Yeah, this IS Naruto XD He never says the right thing at first, he always has to work up to it ♥ *loves the little idiot*



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