Mar 07, 2005 21:15
I'D LIKE TO SAY.......
1. sorry to rich for ruining his weekend. i'll make it up to you.
2. sorry to anyone in nel (lindsey) about my mother being stubborn and the fact that i may not go to spring kallah. (i'm so pissed, i cried)
3. debates will kick ass........alex and me rock!!!
4. i heard Seussical was amazing, congrats to all.
5. ken-west musical is this weekend, i'm going thursday.
6. yes number 5 does mean that i can't go to 42nd with everyone on thursday to hang with daniel rubin. (i'm mad about that too)
7. i miss ski club.
8. everytime u masterbate u kill a kitty. (katie ur the best lol)
9. the list is getting really, really pointless
10. i felt there needed to be a number 10 the the list for it to be complete.
love much,