Dec 07, 2011 18:25
I have been wanting to update but haven't because ..... no good reason really.
Interviewed at Walmart Monday and Tuesday. Apparently I start next week Tuesday. Spoke with department and co store managers Monday, yesterday was the formal job offer. Not as much money as I'd like but better than none. Just am not able to make ends meet on Social Security plus what the boy pays in rent, especially now that he's drawing unemployment. Stinks. Was hoping to sit on my big lard behind forever 'til I fell over but it's ok. Part time hours, will be getting 33 hours per week, at least through February, and probably after. May be getting kicked upstairs if I do well at the starter job. Hoping so because it will mean weekends off. Am asking for time off in July for Shore Leave in Baltimore now. Must have that week off. Must. Not missing it this year.
Working weekends will mean missing meetings with the Vikings but that's ok. I still like to play with them but it's getting on my nerves. Some people have no other interests, or few other than that and I have other irons in the fire. Was getting old with the other group, getting old again. I like the dedication to accuracy but it's getting overwhelming. Sometimes you just gotta do something for fun.
Have little Stinky here at the house for the next few days. Dd and fiance are feuding again. This is also getting old. Enjoy stinky but she needs to be home too. She's tired now and won't take a nap. I'm putting on dinner soon and she's gonna eat and go to bed. Last night she was sleeping very restlessly and fell out of bed three times. She's used to her crib and here she has a cot.
I am getting a new bed. Yippie! The nasty bed bugs are history, finally got my retirement check from ACS, and got a bed. Ordered yesterday, delivering tomorrow evening. Can not wait to have a real bed again. Cots are fine for camping and they're fairly comfortable, but I want my own bed. Want blankets and not a sleeping bag.
Making Yule presents this year. Finished my Mom's and three of the grandkids, Oldest dd and her hubby's are almost done. Still have to make a cap for Jr and figure out what to do for the other three. Cody says not to worry about him but he needs something, mainly new pants. Since I'll be working and drawing a pay check soon, maybe I can pick him up a few pair. He ruins them at work, so anything I get now will last him the winter and at least 'til May.
Need to make Yule candy and cookies. Soon. Have to get things ready to go into the mail early next week. I go in for personnel something or another on Tuesday, Wed. off, and Thurs and Friday computer learning. 8 hours worth both days. Do not have work schedule after that. Do not know what youngest dd will do with stinky girl because I'll be working and not able to watch the little girlie after next Wed. Unfortunately, as she works weekends, most day care centers are not open so she's going to have to find someone that has weekends off, and that will not be me. I know it's gonna be evenings and weekends. Every week. That's when the volume is high so that's when I'll have to be there.
It's been quite cold here lately. Sub zero one night, last night almost that. Got into the 30's today. Seemed positively balmy after the last few days. It does get cold here but we usually don't have those jet stream driven super cold snaps 'til January. Specifically the third week in Jan. during the National Western Stock Show. Especially do not like because it's been unseasonably warm up 'til now. Temps in the 70's and almost 80's in October and 60's and 70's so far this month. Not that we're complaining. We like the warm. And the furnace likes it too, gives it some time off.
Had to get a new fridge last week. Old one just quit on me. Of course, I'd had it for just over a year so no longer under warranty. Was able to get a pretty good deal on a new one and now the new one has a funny smell in the bottom part. I hope it's not crapping out too. Not paid off yet. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. May have a bad plug in there. I do have another right next to it I can use but it's also for the nuker so I don't want both plugged into the same spot. Can not afford an electrician to come out and check the wiring. Cross your fingers for me and hope it's just something that got left uncovered (although I'm not seeing anything). and so far the freezer is keeping everything frozen and the stuff in the bottom is cold.
Putting up the tree tomorrow and hopefully the outside lights too. Would like to have them up for a change. Have not had since we moved in here almost 6 years ago. Cannot mail holiday cards, all my addresses are gone. They were in my palm, which got wet somehow and reset and I can not access off the old 'puter due to the whatever is still wrong with it. Maybe I can get the files pulled off there this week. Shouldn't cost too much.
Hope everyone out there in Dreamwidth and Live Journal land is doing well.