Apr 17, 2008 20:39
I love this woman's Harry Potter books, I really do, but I'm finding it hard to respect her. I keep hearing how she's currently in court with a HUGE HP fan that is trying to publish an encyclopedia, on the HP series.
And she's doing it because she says she wants to write one herself someday.
Well guess what lady? Not all of your fans want to wait for 'someday'. Some of them (myself), are not that loyal. Yeah, you're books are awesome, but if I want to know a not so basic fact about HP, I don't want to wait another year. Or two or ten. This guy is ready to publish the book now for crying out loud! It's not as if you don't have enough money. And yes, I do believe you're only throwing a fit because of the money.
This guy isn't claiming ownership, he never has. All he's claimed to be is a gigantic fan. So let him publish his damn encyclopedia! You're LOYAL fans will still buy yours whenever it gets out.
There. Rant finished.