*glare* *Kill* *poke*

Aug 26, 2004 08:34

School and shit is starting up again. Ain't that just fuckin' grand people! Even better my bro's living with us and is having fun fighting with my sister. His girlfriend broke up with him or some shit like that. My mom is an ungrateful pain too she can't even do her own fucking dishes and clean up her own messes around the house. Either my bro or I end up doing it. God one day she gonna piss me off with the way she acts towards other people so much that I fucking go insane. My mom she works taking care of troubled kids you know the idiots that get caught for stealing and killing their parents and shit like that. Half the time she treats me like one of them. She also suspects I'm part of a fucking cult. Why in the fucking hells would I be part of a cult? Unless you count game guilds and art and anime guild stuff I have never been part of a fucking cult. I've never done any of the shit she treats me like I have. One time she was watching this opera show or something talking about kids coming out to their parents about being homosexual and almost fucking pissed my pants. Ya' know my sis came out to my mom ages ago though. A bit different in her case though. When I was really young like 6 or somethin' I didn't have anyone not a damn person so I have trouble getting help from anyone or talking to them about stuff most of the time. Hell half the time I won't even let people touch me. Some kids had friends that came over to play with their moms and stuff when they were uber young and stuff. I envy them so fucking much I've never had that many friends 'cuz I just can't trust people. When I was a kid I was really all alone always until I got a little older anyways. Even then I didn't have much. It's weird now 'cuz I'm not used to having so many people around me and shit or even talking to anyone really. Fuck it took awhile for me to fucking smile without it hurting my fucking face. Sometimes I thought about killing myself I won't ever go through with something like that though. Guess I value life too much I always think that stuff will aventually get better. Maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong fuck I don't even really care anymore. Anyways I'll stop bugging people and shit right now
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