And so, I've finally met my new room mate. It was...awkward the moment I walked in. He didn't seem like he wanted me around at first. Tatsuya ssi seemed like he had a lot bothering him, which is true enough. For a stranger, he opens up to people easily. I guess since I'm going to stay here for a pretty long while, I might as well know whatever it is that's on his mind. He should really get out more. I mean, really. What's a guy gonna do in a stuffy room like that? Oh yeah, with a hole behind a poster.
Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly he makes me his personal punching bag. But I feel bad for the guy. Seems like the world's gotten to him, like it's just him against everything around him. So I think I understand.
And it was so funny how while we were talking, I was giving advice on love. Fucking love. No one's ever loved me sincerely enough like how Tatsuya ssi does to his guy. I mean, how can I help anyone when I don't even know what it's like?
That was a pretty stupid thing to do. Or say. Whatever.
Though somehow, his story seemed pretty interesting. Like a drama, even. I love drama. It gives me inspiration for my artwork and such. But lately, the only drama that's revolving around my life is drama within myself. Which isn't fun. I'm a social being too, ya know! I just figured today that's it's not much fun being so closed up and all. I should really learn how to meet new people. It's for my own good, really.
It's funny how I told Tatsuya that people fall for me back in my province. Tch. I'm lucky if they last a month with me. Maybe it's just because I'm too much for them? I don't know. Most people can't handle me. But I wish they did. Properly.
I'm sleepy. Really tiring today. I unpacked my stuff and all that jazz. I think I'm going to bed.
Jal jayo.
Lonely Heechul