Just ordered my class ring!! I'm so excited :> I actually feel older this year...but this year seems like it's gonna be the hardest. Hon. US History come on do we EVER stop taking history?! I can't remember who founded what on what date to save my life. Then I come to the question of HOW DID I HAVE AN A IN WORLD HISTORY LAST YEAR?! The truth will be told this year...grrrr Mrs. B....grrrr HISTORY.
Food for thought: The only things that will last eternally: GOD, WORD OF GOD, and SOULS OF MEN
Amen to that :)
Congrats to everyone in Clue...um Snake in the grass should be funny. I play an Italian Gypsie and a country bowwway :P tres interessant.
Funny Joke for those who are like me: HATE HISTORY :P
Third World War
"Jimmy," says the teacher, "what would happen if the Third World War broke out?"
"It would be a huge problem. There'd be another chapter in the history book to study."
Hahahhaha. That is all.