My fuckin funny ass week:
Thursday//hung out in keego with taylor, amy, sissy and a bunch of keegans. it was so much fun. heegan the keegan. many MAny more insiderss. funny night<3 went to clc after and ms. esho did not come so i was all by myself and i didnt see ashley eiter :( oh well. next week babes :)
bLuE cRuSh 5437: heegan keegan fi figh fo feegan
bLuE cRuSh 5437: MEEGAN
^^wow, you dont understnad how much that gurrl makes me piss in my spankies<33
SATURDAY//okay well after some stuff happened, me n amy went to go see the GRUDGE, alone. i have never watched a movie where i laughed so hard because i was so fuckin scared. but yea me n amy could NOt stop holding onto eachother. scariest movie of ur LIFFFE
iloveyou0672: im turnign chaldo
iloveyou0672: did i not tell you amanda, i wasnt informed about that
My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated? comment if you love me<3
PS* amy:sissy:MelBel:mishee::Love.You.All.