Sep 02, 2005 12:48
Man, that was a great retreat.
"Darren... come here. Let's talk Dota."
"Here... stay here in the center of the bed. Strategize tayo."
"Okay... Gian and Ian will take the upper lanes, Fabia... bottom lane ka."
"I'll take the mid."
"What are you all talking about....?"
*Charleton laughs*
"Alright guys... i'll unleash the deadly weapon."
*rapes Darren and takes off his pants*
Yeah, we raped Ian too. WE RAPED ROB. Dude, don't feel bad. We didn't expect you to overpower 6 guys. Hell, even i got raped. 4C rocks.
"Ina MO. Di mo ako mara-rape! *takes off pants and moans*"----> Fabia and Gian... and Jazz, pero di mabukas yung zipper.