"I love you! Tee hee!"

Jun 17, 2012 10:48

Lately, there's this girl working in my department who I'm thinking likes me. She's become somewhat dead-set on me finding a girlfriend after finding out I've never had one before and it seems that she'd prefer herself being the perfect candidate. Too bad the feeling isn't mutual. Then again, perhaps I should have never mentioned never having one before and just made some crap up about it. She's 19 years old against my 28 years and sports a typical 'young, dumb and I'm a spoiled princess' personality. Hell, even her smartphone helps sport this too, consisting of a protective fake diamond cover shell around it. Because she's a fricken' princess. Blegh!!

Certainly not my idea of a relationship. I actually have standards, you know. Spoiled faux-royalty definitely is not among them.

And how the crap could I only have had a little more than three hours of sleep despite being so drop-dead TIRED from work?!
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