Oct 01, 2010 15:52
Well, happy spooky scary month, everyone. I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll recap what's been happening over the past couple months.
My not-so-new-job-anymore is going pretty well. I got transferred from an assembly line to a tube production line several weeks back, and although it was quite rocky from the start, I'm drastically improving and handling things a lot better than before. In short, it's awesome. It may be a gruesomely sweaty environment at times (especially during the summer), but it's a whole hell of a lot better than the hotel. Oh, so much better. I even get overtime, something I actually MISS. Lots and lots of it, too, even if I don't want it. Awesome.
My sister went abroad to South Korea to study a few weeks ago. She seems to be doing fine. We originally wanted to route her back over here just to visit for a week, but that plan fell through pretty badly. Instead, we simply got her a ticket from Tucson to RoK.
Dad's coming back from Iraq in five weeks. He's pretty glad about it, too. So glad, because a lot of "fun" crap has been going on there lately. Something about being grossly mistreated by almost everyone out there. Note to self and pro-tip to everyone out there: whenever offered, decline all offers of overseas civil government positions in Iraq and Kuwait. I don't know if $3k every two weeks is worth being treated less like rotting crap. It'll pay down the cards, but it seems it'll also pay down your self-esteem as well.
Welp, that's all for now. Gotta get ready for work and another twelve hour shift.