Somehow I have the Jane's Addiction song, "Standing in the Shower... Thinking" running through my head while the O, Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack wraps up in the background.
I'm thinking about a late night phone call from my old friend Jon Becker. I'd left a comment on his Facebook about the merits of various Ian MacKaye songs and he promptly rang me up to reminisce. Our conversation reminded me of how much I've neglected writing here.
Some people (
bonerici comes to mind) have largely abandoned LJ in favor of the larger networks of facebook. Still, though, there is something so much more intimate to LJ that I don't expect to ever give up. Further, I love the way that the structure of LJ really is amazing at fostering community, in a way that I feel like no other structure can. Certainly there are other places that use the same structure of LJ, but LJ is the place I came to, seemingly a million years ago (thanks,
sykospark!), and it is the place I still find most appealing.
For me, Facebook is a place for broadcasting in a way that Twitter is often used. LJ is the place to take my time when I say things. I know less people (by far) are going to read these things, and in a sense it gives me the freedom to be able to say more. Further, I know that people can give back more.
Everyone says what I'm going to say:
I plan to rededicate myself to my LJ. It's possible I might cross-post certain things more; posts that I used to leave on LJ, those little gems, I've tended to forget to post here. Habits are hard to form, and they are hard to break. I'm goig to reacquire the habit of writing here.
I'm also thinking of starting a "professional" blog. It would be a space for me to put some of my writings that might be more marketable in certain ways. If anyone has any suggestions about particular hosts/clients, that would be remarkable. I expect I'll likely be using it to blog about Madison, music, food, games, and politics. Perhaps it won't be something I keep up with, given the rigors of academia, but I think it will be a good resource for my own development as a writer (and as a means to broadcast certain work I hope to be doing).
As it is, I foresee that I'll have so much to do, between catching up on a bevy of unfinished coursework from the last semester, the heavy load I expect from this semester, and the writing I'm doing for one of my employers and myself.
But, for the first time in a while, I'm looking forward to it.