Thought I'd get out of the house today for a bit to say hello to the world again. minimal human interaction (skype doesnt count) was making me insane. so in a moment of flashdance inspiration, I figure I'd hit up American Apparel and buy some lovely new tights. To keep warm of course.
I really really wanted this, having salivated over them online.
or this. they are just too cool for school
so i got to the store on chapel street and was all excited and everything only to find waaaay more cool stuff. like these.. (how fucking awesome they would be in yoga. would totally make all the other snobby yoga pros standing next to me fall over in their warrior, tree, peacock poses and what not).
they even have these awesome silky things!
and i wanted to cry because i couldnt really justify spending 70 bucks on a pair of neon or two-toned tights/ really wished i could have been an extra in flashdance or some other equally cheese dance movie for the sake of prancing around in them.
AND THEN i walked past these and felt a whole lot better because i wasnt gonna be the sucker that bought them. wot the heck is the point of cut out tights?? wot easy access for a cheeky bum squeeze?