(no subject)

Apr 26, 2004 02:04

_____3 DAYS LEFT____

So i started packing tonight....i really hope it will all fit in my car. I declined the offer for help bc of the long drive they would have to endeavor (sp?). So i am sitting in my naked room with barely nothing on the walls or AC and there are things scattered across my blue bed. All that remains are a few trinkets on my desk...clothes...happy bday wrapping paper...Vday things...teddy bear...purses....belts(included in clothes perhaps?) pic of HOT guy....and a coloring page from Village Inn that Joe gave me :), oh and of course my comp, desk light, printer, and stereo+speakers. It should fit....should right....*funny moan noise* Nothing to worry about tho loves it should all fancy out quite nicely... Well i just have to remember to get all my movies back from neighbor and thats about that. OH AND CALL THE PLACE IM LIVING AT NEXT YR...SAY IT WITH ME P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N. ah yes that infamous word that when u look up in a dictionary it will say: and i quote: (ah hem):

....."The act of Tiffany, Tiffany's actions, the action of Tiffany calling WP to give them her # and address"

See i told u it said that. So off to "study" for math exam tomorrow!

Im so freken excited about next yr!!! You guys have no idea what it will be like to have everything in one. No compromises!!! I'll have Joe, my fam, my friends, and a spacious living area..not to mention me and Jordan are gonna decorate it like theres no tomorrrow. Oh YEAH this is one of the most exciting parts!!! DECORATING! of course it will be the coolest place around :) no offense.....of course...lol

Aright c yall later...really..since summer is coming up...haha. get it? sure u do *rolls eyes* whatever

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