I was gonna post this in AL's LJ but it became too long so here it is...

Apr 14, 2004 12:26

This is so funny that u wrote about some ppl may think ur too young too love but u have to worry about what YOU think and no one else.__ My mom and i just had this convo yesterday on the phone (it was actaulyl the reason for me not going to my math class) We had this huge convo about love and when is the right time and she would say one thing and then say another. I dotn think moms realize how much they say that contradicts!! She claimed that she said something like 7 months ago and she says it all time supposedely but i told her she actually says the exact opposite ALL THE TIME!!! GRRR I hope in this sense i never turn out like my mom its sooooooo annoying as a kid!!(famous last words)

but she did say that i have to stop worring about what others think about my actions (as long as they mean good) and only worry about what I think......bc at the end of the day I have to lay my head down on my pillow and think about what i did that day and once a day is gone...its gone. You can never have a moment back EVER....

I think for the most part I dont ever worry about what others think (if its not my family or realy close friends) bc TRUST ME...when me and Joe go walking thru the mall holding hands and kiss, people love to stare!!!! I just wanna be like "Wha..what what what...gotta problem, huh huh huh do ya do ya?"

My mom also told me that every morning after i wake up...take a few minutes and think about when i am 80 years old who do i see my self with and think of grandkids and things such as that! :) AND****heres the best part....then you decide what you have to do that day to make that come true!!!!! Isnt that awesome...I love my mom when she is so ., i dont know whats the word, intuitive perhaps?

c yall later
PS. I c my self with Joe and hes painting my toenails!hehe
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