Things that make you go "hmmm"

Sep 20, 2008 17:38

While waiting for the cake store to open this morning (so I could order a cake for DBC's baby shower), I'm parked in a lot next to a maroon town car.

After a few minutes, a nattily dressed man in his late 60's or early 70's walks up to the car and opens the drivers side door. He sits down sideways and reaches for something. I look over because he's thisclose to me and he has a plastic bag over his hand, holding a sponge and a cup and is washing the bottoms of his shoes. He washes the right shoe, puts his right leg in the car and then washing the left shoe and swings that in. He bends over (I assume he's putting the sponge away) and when he straightens up, he starts the engine. As he drives off I see that he has placed two clear plastic bags on his hands and is driving like that. Not plastic gloves but the cheap 1 gallon plastic bags you buy at the grocery store that need a twist tie to close them for food storage.

All kinds of things go through your head. Germaphobic? An ax murderer trying to eliminate trace? eccentric?

Speaking of DBC, she's having contractions. 34 weeks tomorrow so it's not horrible but it's not the best. I got the God call Friday morning at work and met her at  Labor and Delivery. Her b/p was a bit high which would be expected I would assume but they ran blood and urine tests for preeclamsia which all came back normal. She was a bit dehydrated so they put her on an IV and then gave her nifedipine for the contractions. Her cervic is still closed and firm so that part isn't ready to deliver. She was running about 9 to 12 minutes between contractions when we got there and when they released her they were about every 20 minutes. So she's home, taking meds and taking it easy.  Doctor says she doesn't believe that she'll go til 10/31 so we'll see. Boss wants me in San Antonio on 10/14. I'm not going b/c my luck would be that she'd pick that time to deliver. Not happening.

On another note, her best friend who was supposed to be planning the baby shower (with my financial assistance), bailed out before we even got started. She got her panties in a bunch over a spat with my daughter and daughter's husband and took her toys and went home. So I've planned the entire shower without her. I have invited her so we'll see what happens.


Starters: Cheese/veggie tray and a cut fruit arrangement.

Main: A Nachos bar. Yes, Nachos bar. It covers ALL dietary needs; meatatarian, vegetarian, lactose intolerant. Includes Nachos, Cheese, bean topping, beef and chicken toppings, veggies, sour cream, guacamole, onions, etc.

Then there will be a shower cake and my world famous coconut cake.

I'm sticking to one game, the TP guess the belly size. But there is a drawing for a door prize. When guests arrive, they will put their name and address on a thank you envelope. Then one will be drawn for the door prize. Nice way of getting the envelopes addressed without any effort. :)

Next they will weigh their purse on a scale and write the weight down. Heaviest purse wins. No one knows about this one so it should be fun.

There is a scratch off that came with the invitation package. Still not sure if I'm going to use that.

I'm a bit stuck for prizes. I hate cheezy gifts so I picked up a microfiber throw in a neutral color for one prize. Still need to think up two more. *sigh*
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