Sep 04, 2004 18:45
Hi, I'm a new first-time hedgie owner. Ambrose's former owner had to give him up for some reason, and he was living at a non-chain pet store (the owner of which was friends with his original owner) until I picked him up yesterday. I've done a lot of research online about proper care, diet, etc. and right now I'm feeding him the same cat food he's always eaten, but I want to supplement it with some other things. I've ordered some insects, and he apparently enjoys banana, but I know it can be good to feed hedgehogs some cooked meat as well.
Both my partner and I are vegetarian, and neither of us want to buy meat that will mostly go to waste, or have to deal with cooking it. Would organic meat baby food work as well, or at least better than not having meat at all? I don't know if he'd eat it, but I had the idea earlier today but I haven't seen this addressed anywhere.
Ambrose is really cute, but I don't have any pictures yet. I'll post some as soon as we take them so you can all see how adorable he is. ^_^
supplies: food,
supplies: treats