hedgehogs !
I got my 2 year old hedgehog, Naomi, about 2-3 weeks ago through a customer of mine (I make small pet accessories) and she was originally thought to be a male, named shadow (cliche much :P), fed iams kitten food, and was running on a cracked silent spinner which I promptly threw out.
I took some funny pictures of her anointing to beef liver treats tonight and I noticed she had some yellow coloring on her belly/armpits. I read this can be an indication of fatty liver disease and I wouldn't be surprised considering the food she was on! Iams is bad enough, nevermind the kitten formula! She is on something muuuuch better now (summit adult cat) while I find a place that sells chicken soup for the cat lover's soul.
I am going to brush up on the FLD but I was looking for second opinions from the community! Is this normal gland yellow or disease yellow? She does not have this yellowing in normal light or the tub, it seems the camera flash made it show up through her fur.
She was not handled much in the past few months (hence the rehoming) so she's a bit huffy and prickly but she is coming along very nicely!! I can usually pick her up after she stops being sleepy, though I try to handle her in the morning/evening. :)
Om nom nom beef liver. Argh I'm working on trimming those front nails but they're so tiny!!
This is the picture I'm mostly worried about. It may just be the color of the beef liver foam really highlighting her belly though? I swear it is white otherwise!
This week's cage set up!
I got this bucket for free along with the rollerblade wheel on the back. I LOVE it! I think I will make some bucket wheels for my ratties!
I suspect she is chocolate colored because of that dilutes mask, brown nose, and no dark hairs on her shoulders. What do you guys think?