okay, so i'm getting my first hedgehog sometime next week and i want to know as much as possible before i bring the little critter home, i'd hate to have a pet i don't know anything about. animals don't deserve people like that, so any help will be appreciated!
i've seen a lot of hedgies kept in those rubbermaid containers, would that be alright? on the hedgehog FAQ it says aquariums are alright, but i've never seen those as being suitable homes because they don't provide ventilation and are a breeding ground for bacteria.
i realize the width of
this would be too small, but how is the height? would a hedgehog be able to crawl out of this? i read that hedgehogs are good climbers, so would it better to keep a waterdish as opposed to a waterbottle?
what types of bedding have you found the most success with? i realize cedar and pine are a huge no-no, along with beddings such as corn cob. i'm a big fan of aspen, so i'm leaning towards using that.
food has got me the most stumped, because i've heard so many things. cat food? dog food? hedgehog food? what does your hedgie's diet consist of?
i've heard of hard boiled eggs, poultry, meal worms, and fresh fruits and veggies being used for treats. but how often? how do you prepare the chicken so that it's suitable for a hedgie's digestive system, and how much should they be given? what type of fruits can be given, as well as what type of veggies?
i realize our cute little friends also have those adorable little spikes ;). would it better to handle the hedgie with a glove at first, or would it best to go glove less, and allow your hedgie get used to your scent? i realize eventually you're bound to get pricked, so this is probably a silly question, i was just curious if anyone has used gloves the first few days (possibly weeks) with their new hedgie.
hedgies love to run, which is something new for me, i'm used to fat guinea pigs who find more comfort in relaxing with a bowl of veggies underneath their chin(s) :D i've added wheels to my checklist, would this one be alright?
link what other toys might my hedgie find amusing? i've seen a few of your cute pictures of the hedgies with the TP tubes on their heads, i hope i get a hedgie who does just the same because that'll be a perfect picture opportunity!
that's all i have to ask for now, but if you'd like to add anything, feel free to do so!