hedgehog health concern!

Jan 02, 2006 21:08

I need some help with a new edition to our little family. My boyfriend and I already own a 9 month old hedgie named Pointdexter and he is fantastic, we love him to bits, and we've had him for about 3 months now. He's in great health and is doing fine

The problem right now is our new little man, Orion, who is only a delicate 8 weeks old. We bought him on a concerned whim, on a trip to the pet store to get Pointdexter a wheel and some cage lining. When we saw the condition of the cage for the baby hedgies in the store we were both concerned, and it was in that spirit we bought one of the four babies, and i'm sure if we had the money and room, we'd have got them all!!

pointdexter and Orion (the baby) live in separate cages, and we've provided Orion with everything we can think of. The problem is this though:
He has diarreha, and has since we got him on thursday. He's eating the food we give him and drinking water alright. My concern right now is that he was maybe not weaned off his mother properly, because he is so young. I did some reading and it says it can take between 8 and 12 weeks, and Orion is only at 8 weeks.
He also seems to have a bit of a runny nose. any thoughts?

Does anyone know what we can do? I'm really worried about him, and i'm not sure what to do! We're making a vet appointment, but i was hoping someone had a suggestion for right now.

I don't need anyone telling me that pet stores arn't ideal to buy hedgehogs from, but if you saw the poor things condtions, you would have done the same.

Help please!

behavior: unusual, health: general illness

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