I have to admit that I made a conscious effort to have different answers from Jonas, but I would have said the same thing on a lot of them. These surveys are only really fun when you are original.
I had an incredibly good day. Arnold did all but offer me his estate. I love this man. Evan quit so he told me he wanted to try me for he first assistant posistion. i.e. pay me a whole lot more than he does and have me come with him on all his shoots. anywhere. Which I may have been able to do anyway, but this would solidify it. I must have accidentally gained a lot of karmic points sometime in the past. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me, this job.
07. Height: 5'8'>yes
79. Been cheated on?:as far as I know the last real time was in middle school, but I'm pretty sure Travis strayed a bit.
80. Done something you regret?: yes.
81. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Well usually there are additional circumstances.
82. Smoked?: yes.
83. Broken the law?: yeah.
84. Broken a bone?: if toes and fingers count.
85. Cheated on a test?: yeah.
86. Skinny dipped?: I am part bathing suit.
87. Played truth or dare?: yep, but I haven't actually done a dare since dare stopped meaning "stick your toungue in Matt McCarthy's mouth"
88. Flashed someone?: don't think so
89. Mooned someone?: nope
90. Kissed someone you didn't know?: in the spirit of honesty, yes, once. please don;t judge me.
91. Been in a physical fight?: yea. in third grade. Kate Plapinger went DOWN.
92. Ridden in a police car?: once last year when Bobby dislocated his shoulder.
93. Been on a plane?: yep.
94. Come close to dying?: yep.
95. Been in a sauna?: yep.
96. Been in a hot tub?: yep.
97. Swam in the ocean?: yes.
98. Done illegal drugs?: yeah.
99. Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah.
100. If so, was it mixed company?: yeah.
101. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: of course not.
102. Been called a tease?: yeah.
103. Gotten beaten up?: nah, i'm tough.
104. Considered a life of crime?: Kate and I are on the gnibbor knab path. that's code.
105. Considered being a hooker?: for some reason unknown to me I really really wanted ot be a pole dancer when I was younger. That's pretty fucking embarassing too.
106. You talked to in person?: Pam.
107. You talked to on the phone?: Laura.
108. You instant messaged?: Ian imed me and I told him I had to go a few days ago.
109. You had lunch with?: Evan and Catherine today.
110. You kissed?: TRAVIS.
111. Who broke your heart? These questions are past the middle so it's too late to stop. TRAVIS. Except he more requested my heart inpieces and it stayed that way.
112. Who kissed you?: My daddy gave me a kiss on the cheek last time i saw him, and it's still Travis otherwise.
113. You had physical contact with?: Evan gave me a nice long hug today before he left.
114. Color your hair?: yep.
115. Have tattoos? yep.
116. Have Piercings?: all of them are out but ears right now.
117. Floss daily? floss?
118. Own a web cam?: actually , yes.
119. Ever get off the damn computer?: on my way to and from work, when I am printing or eating, (sometimes) and occasionally when I go out with friends..
120. Like Parks?:why, yes.
121. Like school?: School? yeah. Antioch? Not so much, at the moment.
122. Collect anything?: allergies and useless objects.
123. Work?: yep.
124. Like shopping?: yep, generally.
125. Party?: only with certain people.
126. Smoke?: I smoked a cigarrette yesterday. Otherwise, not really.
127. Sing?: not so much
128. Have a crush?: nothing I have constitutes a crush. Damn this lack of simplicity.
129. Do you think you've been in love?: i already answered that fuckface.<< i second that,fuckface.
130. Want to go to college?: To a different, east coast art college, yes.
131. Like(d) high school?: it was great.
132. Want to get married?: I guess so.
133. Believe in yourself?: sometimes.
134. Get motion sickness?: when i read in the car.
135. Think you're attractive? not really right now, sometimes.
136. Think you're a health freak?: Absolutely not.
137. Get along with your parent(s)? yep.
138. Like thunderstorms?: good summer ones, or just big ones.
139. Play an instrument?: the triangle and the theoretical synth.
140. Do you have a lava lamp?: somewhere buried with all my other middle school junk at home.
141. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: of course I left my security bear, Washable B. Caruso, in Texas, with the boy who neccessitates security
142. Pepsi or Coke: whatever.
143. McDonald's or Burger King: wendys.
144. Single or group dates: i dont go on dates.
145. Adidas or Nike: adidas.
146. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:lipton i guess.
147. Chocolate or vanilla: i does depend.
148. Cappuccino or coffee: coffee.
149. Chicken or fish: chicken all the way.
150. Thongs or Panties: On you? definitely a g-string. I don't know.
151. Boxers or Briefs: boxers.
152. Candy or mints: mints.
153. Drank alcohol?: not since... 2 days ago.
154. Smoked?: yea i have
155. Done a drug?:it's been about 3 weeks
156. Had Sex?: this is when I egin to question my motivation for even reading these. I think I make the month mark, yeah.
157. Made Out?: it approaches a month, but not quite.
158. Gone on a date?: i don;t go on dates.
159. Gone to the mall?: my mom brought me to one awhie ago.
160. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: This one took a second, but i don't think so.
161. Eaten sushi?: yep.
162. Been on stage?: nope.
163. Been dumped?: WHY, YES! well I guess, technically, no. But maybe I will rack in the sympathy if I round up to yes.
164. Gone skating?: nope.
165. Made homemade cookies?: nah.
166. Gone skinny diping?: I AM PART BATHING SUIT.
167. Dyed your hair?: nope.
168. Stolen anything?: I accidentally stole someone else's toothbrush and left mine. Fuck. It was cool.
169. Best eye color: i don't know, whatever works best for them.
170. Best hair color: shit i don;t knowcare.
171. Short or long hair: i don't care.
172. Height: taller.
173. Best weight: i don't know!
174. Best articles of clothing: I don't liek this section.
175. Best first date location: the amphitheater or the fieldin front of the horace man statue. Those are secondary to the community darkroom, obviously
176. Best first kiss location: Honestly? Probably at my back door at home.
177. Aliens?: i don;t know.
178. Angels?: yea.
179. Heaven?: i don't know.
666. Hell?: i don't know.
180. God?: i thik I might, or something like it, but not in the obvious way.
181. Yourself?: sometimes.
182. Ghosts?: sometimes.
183. Love?: yes.
184. Love at first sight: i'll go with no, but i reserve the right to change my answer.<">