Jul 22, 2004 22:54
I am so sick of not being able to go to bars with my friends. I don't even care about drinking, but since I am not 21 I have to stay home and not hang out with my friends. I am in no way blaming the people that I hang out with at all. I am just so sick of the bull shit that laws like the drinking age are based on. If this country was not so prudish I think that there would be less underage drinking, drug abuse, sex, ect. It is so mainly believed to be taboo that so many teenagers seek it out and try it. This leads to so much more danger then if it was simply accepted. It is so hard in my case when all of my friends are roughly 4 years older then me to sit back and watch other people go out to bars. Anyways I just kind of wanted to rant, not at anyone just at the way society has deemed me "too young" to be at a certian place.