In the hopes of brightening the day beckyh2112

Sep 17, 2010 11:18

Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Hakoda, Arnook
Word Count: 327
Summary: The Northern Water Tribe has no heir, a situation the chief must address

Hakoda gaped. “You want me to what?”

Arnook sighed. He felt so old. “Once again... I want your people to return to the north and integrate into one Water Tribe. Then I want you to challenge me to a duel.”

Hakoda couldn’t keep the incredulity out of his voice. “Even if I thought that uprooting my people from their homes were a good idea, I’d still say you’re crazy. You want to be supplanted by an outsider?”

Arnook looked out the window. The moon- no, Yue- hung low over the horizon. “I want my daughter back, ready to take my place caring for our people and let me retire to spend my days fishing.”

Hakoda’s expression softened. For a moment, their meeting ceased to be between tribal chiefs and became a conversation between two fathers.

“If my Yue were alive, I might ask her to serve her people by marrying your boy to unify the tribes- he would have been better for us all than that fool Hahn- but she’s already done more for our people than I could ever ask.”

“I heard... about the sacrifice she made. You must be proud of her.”

Arnook blinked, struggling to keep his eyes from misting. “More than you can possibly know. But now my wife and I have no children, and we’re too old to have any more.”

Hakoda remained silent.

“Our ancient traditions allow any member of the tribe to bring a grievance before the city and challenge the chief. It’s an old law, but it’s still law. The Water Tribe needs a wise, experienced leader with heirs ready to take his place. I’m ready to do my duty for my people. Will you help me?”

Hakoda stroked his beard thoughtfully. Arnook watched as a sly grin started to spread across the younger man’s features.

“You said it yourself. My boy would be better. And I have an idea.”

avatar, fanfic

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