Laverian Chronicles Entry 1

Apr 08, 2010 11:23

NOTE: I intentionally started writing this background information in a haphazard and piecemeal fashion (with unexplained references and whatnot) to prompt myself to fill in the blanks.

The Kingdom of Lavery
Three years ago, the Crownswar was brought to an end by the Lady Nadia Tyris, who set aside house politics and brokered a deal with the Guilders to back her in a bid for the crown. With her Light Dragoons using gunpowder weapons supplied by the guild, she was able to break through the opposing armies and occupy the Throne City.

She was able to secure peace by seducing Lord Arturo Veran, Lord-Captain of the Crownsguard and a royal cousin of the assassinated king. A marriage was quickly secured and, armed with a legitimate claim, she made an overture to the Supreme Commander of the Knights of the White Lion, camped ten miles from the Throne City and withholding their support from all factions. By promising her support to the knights in their desire to remove the current First Pontiff from office, she secured their help in pacifying the Throne City.

Between the hammer of the White Lion and the anvil of the walls of New Malaris, the Claimant Warlords were routed and forced to abandon the siege.

lavery, game design

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