Avatar- PDQ

Mar 05, 2010 15:50

So I'm always thinking of ways to adapt settings and systems together in ways that the laws of nature and licensing never intended. Avatar: the Last Airbender is one of those things that I think would make a great game setting, being essentially a fantasy Asia in which we have a bunch of low- to mid-level magical martial arts superheroes running around and causing all kinds of shenanigans.

Looking over the Truth and Justice ruleset (PDQ-flavored superheroes), I thought it looked like a good match. I always had a general idea of what the various bending arts but was always a bit fuzzy on the specifics. This seems to fit pretty well with the qualities of the PDQ system.

Under the T&J system, I'd say that the bending arts qualify as Meta-powers, as they can generally do a whole lot. For example, Aang used mini cyclones to surf, air blasts to improve his jumping abilities, sustained winds to keep his glider aloft, wide gales to scatter tons of faceless Fire Nation goons, shields of wind to deflect incoming projectiles and bender blasts. Phew.

So rather than give him Wind Surfing, Far Jumping, Wind Riding, Wind Blast, and Wind Shield all at Good[+2] level (5 qualities right there), we'd say he has the Airbending meta-power at Expert[+4] level (for 2 qualities), and define it as being able to generate short bursts or sustained winds for a variety of purposes. This lets him use any of the above effects at an Average[0] level at no cost or at the Good[+2] level for one hero point. In keeping with the spirit of the show, everything would be at normal scale instead of super-scale, except under certain circumstances (the Avatar state, the full moon, sozin's comet, etc)

So here's my attempt at writeups for major characters at the end of Scroll 1. Note that they're probably not compliant with the character creation rules as they stand, but I'm going more for the feel of the show than slavish devotion to mechanics.


Motivation: Restore balance to the world
Qualities: Expert[+4] Air Nomad, Good[+2] Cheerful and carefree, Good[+2] Sidekick (Appa), Good[+2] In love with Katara
Powers: Expert[+4] Airbending (Meta-power), Good[+2] Waterbending (Meta-power), Good[+2] The Avatar (Limitation: Requires a Hero Point to use)
Weakness: Poor[-2] Reluctant to embrace his destiny as the Avatar
(Appa has the following qualities: Expert[+4] Flight, Expert[+4] Big and Powerful, Good[+2] Big and Friendly, Poor[-2] Huge Size)
Stunts: Aang's airbending lets him use his glider to fly for extended periods, surf a small air current quickly, blast enemies back with gale-force winds, use wind to assist his jumps. His powers as the avatar allow him to add his Avatar MOD to his Air- or Waterbending MOD and affect things on Super-scale for one action per HP spent. His waterbending functions similar to Katara's but he does not have the knack of using it to heal.


Motivation: Grow her skill as a waterbender
Qualities: Good[+2] Southern Water Tribe, Expert[+4] Fierce determination, Good[+2] Compassionate, Good[+2] Devotion to Aang's quest
Powers: Expert[+4] Waterbending (Meta-power)
Weakness: Poor[-2] Emotional and over-protective
Stunts: Katara's waterbending allows her to use nearby water to achieve effects. With a gallon of water, she can strike enemies, entangle them, shield herself from personal weapons, and heal injuries. All these stunts have the limitation: Requries at least 1 gallon of water. With a body of water equivalent to a small lake, she can shield herself and several allies from harm, imprison enemies in blocks of ice, hit several enemies with large crashing waves, and create ice in a slide to move quickly. All these stunts have the limitation: Requires large amounts of water


Motivation: Protect Katara, eat meat
Qualities: Expert[+4]Southern Water Tribe warrior, Expert[+4] Creative, Good[+2] Hard-headed, Good[+2] Determined to prove himself to Yue, Good[+2] Tactician
Weakness: Poor[-2] Sarcastic sense of humor


Motivation: Find the Avatar and redeem his honor
Qualities: Expert[+4] Disgraced Fire Nation Noble, Good[+2] Fire nation martial arts, Good[+2] Stealth & Subterfuge, Expert[+4] Determination
Powers: Expert[+4] Firebending (Meta-power)
Weakness: Poor[-2] Pride
Stunts: Zuko's firebending allows him to shoot blasts of fire at single opponents or use waves of fire to drive off multiple opponents. He can direct, enlarge, or put out existing fires and raise the temperature of his surrounding environment to create a Hazard.

rpg, avatar, game design

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