K-thunk, thunk

Dec 30, 2008 16:36

That was the sound of my brain shifting gears. It looks like the traffic on my brain is gonna make me change lanes toward the exit marked "Star Wars/Space/Future" in the not too distant future. I mean, sheesh. One visit to the Star Wars Old Republic webpage and my gaming tendencies shift. Am I that easy to influence?

Anyway, here's my attempt to steer myself back toward 4e...

Star Wars 4e Treatment:

Martial Classes:
Soldier (Defender/Controller)
Scoundrel (Striker)
Scout (Striker/Controller)
Noble (Leader)

Technological Classes:
Slicer (Controller)
Medic (Leader)
Combat Tech (Striker/Defender)

Force Classes:
Jedi (role varies by build)
Force Adept (role varies by build)

Armor Proficiencies: Concealed, Light Combat, Heavy Combat
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Martial Melee, Simple Ranged, Pistols, Rifles
Bonus to Defense: +2 Fortitude

Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + Constitution Score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose three trained skills at 1st level.
class skills: Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Streetwise (Cha), Knowledge(War)(Int)

Build Options: Gunner, Trooper
Class Features: Covering Fire, Combat Specialty

Covering Fire: Every enemy that you attack with a non-area effect is marked until the end of your next turn

Combat Specialty: Select a combat type:
Autofire Expert: Can exclude 1 square from the area of any autofire attack
Explosive Expert: +1 damage with attacks using explosives
Marksman: +1 to hit with attacks that target one enemy

Snap Shot
At-Will*Martial, Weapon
Range 5
Dex vs. AC
1[W] + Dex damage. Counts as a ranged basic attack.

Rifle Butt/Pistol Whip
At-Will*Martial, Weapon
1 creature
Str vs. AC
1[W] + Strength damage. Weapon is treated as a club. Counts as a melee basic attack.

Short Burst
At-Will*Martial, Weapon, Autofire
Close Blast 2
Dex vs. Reflex
1[W] Damage to each creature in blast

Accurate Grenade Toss
At-Will*Martial, Grenade, Explosive
Burst [W] within 8 squares
Dex + 1 vs. Reflex
1[W] + Wis damage to each creature in burst

gaming, systems add, star wars, game design

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