More setting-ness in crummy HTML

Feb 15, 2007 15:42

Taking a page out of the book (or rather LJ) of orbis_terrarum, here's more setting stuff I've thought of. Slightly more detailed info on the primary saint of the setting's main church and a historical one to go with, as well as a cute little table I came up with to make combat a little less cut-and-dried.

St. Samra
The Holy Mother of the Church of St. Samra. She is the one credited with beginning the appeal for humanity's freedom that culminated in the Great Revolt against the elven slavemasters three thousand years ago. The church that emerged from the conflict remains the primary faith of the Laverian penninsula to this day. Her gifts take the form of healing and succor. She appears as a white-clad, matronly woman with dark hair and kindly eyes.
Requirement: Knowledge (Religion) 12 ranks, Heal 8 ranks
Sanity Cost: 1/1
Spell access:
0-level: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Virtue
1st level: Bless, Bless Water, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Hide from Undead, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith
2nd level: Aid, Augury, Calm Emotions, Consecrate, Cure Moderate Wounds, Enthrall, Find Traps, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Make Whole, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, Restoration, lesser, Status
3rd level: Continual Flame, Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Discern Lies, Dispel Magic, Helping Hand, Locate Object, Magic Circle against Evil, Prayer, Protection from Energy, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Speak with Dead, Water Breathing, Water Walk
4th level: Control Water, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Neutralize Poison, Planar Ally, Lesser, Repel Vermin, Restoration, Sending, Spell Immunity, Tongues
5th level: Atonement, Break Enchantment, Commune, Cure Light Wounds, Mass, Dispel Evil, Hallow, Spell Resistance, Symbol of Sleep, True Seeing
6th level: Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass, Dispel Magic, Greater, Find the Path, Geas/Quest, Heal, Heroes' Feast, Planar Ally, Symbol of Persuasion, Undeath to Death, Word of Recall
7th level: Holy Word, Refuge, Regenerate, Repulsion, Restoration, Greater, Symbol of Stunning
8th level: Cure Critical Wounds, Mass, Discern Location, Holy Aura, Planar Ally, Greater, Shield of Law, Spell Immunity, Greater
9th level: Heal, Mass, Miracle
Domain gifts:
Lesser - You cast Healing and Good spells at +1 caster level
Intermediate - You cast Healing and Good spells at +2 caster levels
Greater - Once per day, you may reduce a character's Blight by an amount equal to your Spiritualist level. You may divide this in any fashion that you wish

St. Shalter
The loyal defender of Samra who set the example for personal bravery and effort during the Great Revolt. The gifts of Shalter are those of strength, resilience, and tenacity. He appears as a young man full of boundless energy and desire for action.
Requirement: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike
Sanity Cost: 1/1

Spell Access:
0 level: Cure Minor Wounds, Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
1st level: Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Entropic Shield, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Stone, Magic Weapon, Pass without Trace, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith
2nd level: Aid, Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkness, Eagle's Spledor, Resist Energy, Shatter, Sound Burst
3rd level: Cure Serious Wounds, Darkvision, Daylight, Deeper Darkness, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment, Nondetection, Water Walk
4th level: Air Walk, Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Magic Weapon, Greater, Spell Immunity
5th level: Disrupting Weapon, Flame Strike, Mark of Justice, Righteous Might, Shalter's Interposing Hand, Spell Resistance
6th level: Bear's Endurance, Mass, Bull's Strength, Mass, Eagle's Splendor, Mass, Find the Path, Shalter's Forceful Hand, Wind Walk
7th level: Shalter's Grasping Hand, Word of Chaos
8th level: Cloak of Chaos, Shalter's Clenched Fist
Domain gifts:
Lesser - You gain the benefit of Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
Lesser - Once per day, you may perform a melee smash as a free action. For a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifer, your melee attacks do damage as though you are one size higher.
Intermediate - Once per day per four character levels, you may perform a feat of strength. This adds your Spiritualist level to your strength for one round. Activating this power is a free action.
Intermediate - You gain Damage Reduction 2/-.

Combat mishaps: Accidents happen. Whenever a 1 is rolled on an attack, it is a Mishap threat. A confirmation roll is required and if the second roll would miss, then the character in question suffers a mishap.

D6 roll

1) Huh?: You become flat-footed until your next normal action in combat.
2) Slip: You must make a Balance check vs DC 10 or fall prone.
3) Oops: You must make a Dexterity check vs DC 10 or drop your weapon. It lands 1d3-1 squares away in a random direction.
4) Crunch: Your current weapon takes damage as though your opponent had made a successful sunder attempt.
5) Whoops: You move 5' in a direction specified by your opponent.
6) Phew!: No effect

EDIT: now with slightly less skanky html

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