LARPing is fun

Feb 05, 2007 14:07

...especially when you can swing a sword at someone, connect, and watch them actually take some effect from it, and not just have them yawn because they're wearing like 60 points of armor because they spend all their available RL cash on metal armor and consequently don't even bother to pretend that they're affected by your blows.

Similarly, it's really cool to be surrounded by relatively athletic people who can really swing those boffers and tumble and hit the ground and keep going, fatigue be damned. As opposed to uber characters who have been with the game since its inception but are played by 300 pound fat fucks who break down panting and call a hold after fifteen seconds of hard combat.

Sorry rogue01, but I'm enjoying SimTerra a lot more than I enjoyed Dragoncrest. Next time you come out to the right coast, you should come check it out with vaminion and myself.

On a side note, no matter the setting, system, or location, gypsies are bad news.

gaming, larp

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