Games I would like to run...

Jan 18, 2007 10:45

The cave troll is getting antsy and hasn't had a gaming fix since... uh... his 27th b-day. So to try to ease the tension and fool my brain into releasing some polyhedrical endorphins, here are the ideas I have for when my group convenes again:

Oriental adventures (w/ 3.5 update)
The land of the 10,000 Immortals is no stranger to cultural and economic domination, having been invaded by the Elven Daimyos of the Elemental Beasts two centuries ago, but a new and different form of exploitation is coming on the ships of the White Wizard's Nation across the eastern ocean. And while the Elves might be willing to bargain with these wierd easterners, the human, halfling, spirit folk, and even goblins under their rule know that what the White Wizards want in the Empty Lands to the west is better left undisturbed...

Laverian Chronicles
A homebrew setting I've had banging around my head since about June 2000, where nobles are vying for a tenuous throne, elves are evil slavers by default, wild sorcers WILL go insane, trained spellcasters use magical glyphs and magic devices, a religious spellcaster is a miraculous zealot and not the healer down the street, guilders are pushing back the bounds of technology, and apostates roam the countryside with dark powers at their sides. Currently trying to put together an OGL ruleset with a whole bunch of different sources.

Supernatural Action Smorgasborg (sp?)
Using the unisystem Angel rules, a mix of whedonverse, anime, and world of darkness, with less angsting and more butt-kicking.

Ruins of Nobility
Set in the world of Vampire Hunter D, but while Kikuichi's novels take place mostly in post-apocalypting europe, this would cover more of the events in what was left of the american southwest after the civilization of the Nobility collapsed. Probably run with the Savage Worlds/Deadlands system.

Hey, we had a good game going. Maybe time to return to it?

gaming, systems add, game design

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