I told us so. I told us so repeatedly and loudly. Maybe if the experts say it, someone will listen?

Aug 31, 2011 00:20

I generally try to be the bigger person and not say "I told you so" when I can.

However, I have lost all ability to be the bigger person on this topic.

You know how I've been complaining for years that the "security" changes at US airports are ineffective and just for show?

Turns out, some people who ought to know a lot more about the topic happen to agree with me on some stuff like the ineffectiveness and health and privacy concerns raised by those full body scanners.

Who is questioning the use of those scanners? According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, that would be the 9/11 commission itself:

More than a year and a half after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underwear bomber, passed through airport screening in Amsterdam and boarded a Christmas Day flight with plastic explosives sewn into his undergarments, the U.S. screening system "still falls short in significant ways," the report says.

The new full body scanners "are not effective at detecting explosives hidden within the body and raise privacy and health concerns," it says.

Gee, really? Ya think?

You can read the full article at that link up there. I'm not gonna because if I do, I might break my brain with the onrush of frustration and sadness. Instead, I'll just be over here in the corner muttering about my Cassandra complex.

9/11 commission, airport security

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