You all know I love fandom, right? And you all know that I do know that increasing awareness of fandom in the mainstream is inevitable, right?
Okay, good. Than you'll all take this the right when when I say that I am still slightly disturbed that Rolling Stone is now treating Adam Lambert's cover art like they're us, right?
They photoshopped Chris in in one.
Is it wrong that now I really want to hear Adam Lambert sing Xanadu? Probably. Oh well. I do.
(For those not familiar with where this came from, the short version is kind of like this: Adam Lambert's first album drops soon. The cover art makes him look like the drag queen version of alien Barbie. Out put him on the cover with other folks, but the gossips are saying that 19E, the AI management folks, wouldn't let him do a cover alone because it would be too overtly gay or something. Adam twittered something in response that it wasn't that bad, but Rolling Stone is responding to that this way.)