Oh, Fox Sports Network, Your Angels Announcers Are Morons

Jul 30, 2008 16:37

So, you know. Red Sox fan here. ::waves feebly::

That said, I've been trying to come up with a chart of my baseball loyalties. It looks something like this:

*Red Sox
*whoever is playing the Yankees
*any other American League team that has not recently swept my Red Sox (which usually but not now means the Angels, since that's who I get to watch most often)
*teams not from states and cities I don't like

The wrench in this whole plan is the Cubs, whom I root for in a warped sense of solidarity. I mean, the Red Sox broke the curse, so I figure it's time for the Cubs to win the World Series.

(I sometimes have nightmares about what would happen to my brain if the Sox ended up in the World Series against the Cubs.)

Angels fans who are friends of mine have complained about the commentators on FSN (or local Fox sports station that carries Angels games, which I watch often since it's usually my only chance to watch a full series of the Sox. I'll also be watching the next series, since it's Angels vs. Yankees, and well, any opportunity to see the Yankees lose is a good day in my book). I did notice that they do have a tendency to repeat themselves. (I was actually relieved when Orlando Cabrera stopped playing for Anaheim since I no longer had to hear the Fox commentators say every. single. time. he came up to bat that the Boston fans still loved Cabrera even when he went to Anaheim.)

But sometimes I'm astounded at the commentators on FSN. Just now, they were opining that the fans at Fenway stayed until the bitter end of the game last night, even when the Sox were behind in a game with a score of 6 to 0--and that the fans' dedication must have been because they wanted to see Lackey pitch a no hitter.

Oh yeah. I'll just sit here and wait for that to percolate into your minds.

To which I responded (a response delivered vs. yelling at my television): Oh, Fox Sports Commentators, just how idiotic are you?

The fans were not waiting to see Lackey pitch a no hitter.

These are the fans who waited more than 50 years, some of them, for their perpetually losing team to win the World Series.

These are fans who have to be born into season tickets.

These are Red Sox fans.

They stayed until the end of the game because if you are lucky enough to get tickets, you watch the whole frakking game, whether your team is losing or not.


::grumbles:: Waiting to see if Lackey could pitch a no hitter my ass. The fans were probably sitting there with their rally caps on, hoping against hope for a last minute come back.


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