Feb 22, 2005 22:01
WAHOO... I GOT 8 COMMENTS..OHH YEAAHHH...I'm am SO excited=)
I didn't know that many people read my Lj=)But yeah some of them are pathetic can't een say there names, come on now afraid that I'll say something to you or of a little of my "drama" hehehe lmao<--good one! and love ya, NOT!<-- that ones great too, and I'm snotty?! well all i have to say to that is "Not!"..This is great 8 COMMENTS!... I'm goin for a record so KEEPP UM COMMIN=), ohh but do me a favor, GET SOME BALLS AND LEAVE YOUR NAME, gahhh ya'll are losers..thank you *Ericka, Tay*, and !Chelsea! for leaving me great comments, And thank you pathetics for not leaving your name to prevent me from saying anything to you, you wouldn't have liked it, but yanno=) Obviously I have made a impact on your life=) but the sad thing is, I probably don't like whoever you are, I probably don't like you enough to leave you a comment if you have a Lj=( Darnn Too badd, I guess I missin out=( But I'm TOO EXCITED TO CARE, I got comments ohh YEAH..<33 you Jacob