January posting meme: favorite POV

Jan 09, 2014 10:31

eris asks: Who has been your favourite POV to write (in any canon), and why?

Oh dear. *clutches head* I am perennially unable to pick favorites in anything, so this is going to be hedged like a field of hawthorn. I love all my adopted children! (And my self-created children, too, but I'm sticking with fic for this one.)

Naturally I started by making a list (under the cut) of all the POV characters I've used, some of them a lot and some only for a tiny bit, organized by fandom but in no particular order under that, and excluding the few original character POVs I've had, and also anything that got posted on my journal but didn't make it to AO3, because I'm lazy that way.

Sam Shaw
John Reese
Harold Finch
Nathan Ingram
Joss Carter
Lionel Fusco
Zoe Morgan
The Machine
Grace Hendricks

Simon Illyan
Aral Vorkosigan
Piotr Vorkosigan
Ekaterin Vorkosigan
Cordelia Vorkosigan
Mark Vorkosigan
Miles Vorkosigan
Gregor Vorbarra
Laisa Vorbarra
Martya Koudelka
Olivia Vorkosigan
Konstantin Bothari
Kareen Vorbarra
Duv Galeni

White Collar
Peter Burke

Cabin Pressure
Martin Crieff

Ben Linus

James Hathaway
Robbie Lewis
Laura Hobson

John Watson

Harry Potter
Severus Snape
Neville Longbottom

Bryant & May
Janice Longbright

Sarah Sweeting

Shepherd Book

So, because I can't pick one, I'm going to pick five in no order of priority. Some of my fics (Children of an Idle Brain, Imperial Bedrooms) have short snippets from different POVs, some of which I enjoyed writing greatly, but I'll cross them off for these purposes because it didn't give me a chance to get to know the characters well enough; some of them are just short fics, so ditto. Which still leaves a really broad field… well, let's see...

And the winners are, with no explanation other than "*smooshes them*":

Laura Hobson, from Lewis

Harold Finch, from Person of Interest

Aral Vorkosigan, Simon Illyan, and Gregor Vorbarra from the Vorkosigan Saga

But, but, but…

This entry was originally posted at http://hedda62.dreamwidth.org/75744.html. There are currently
comments there. Comment here or there.

person of interest, lewis, vorkosiverse, writing

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