will you still need me, will you still feed me

Aug 27, 2013 07:03

Yesterday went: walk around Trexler Park twice, muffin and smoothie (no coffee because driving between insufficient rest stops, daaaark chocolate instead), three hours behind the wheel singing music about time and birds, collapse at home with sciatica and a slight migraine, post Tom Lehrer lyrics and Brett Cullen snaps (it was his birthday too!), discover that penwiper26 sent me a "Person of Interest" button yay, pick up hubby from Metro, unwrap all the Navajo jewelry he got me in Arizona, go out for Thai food, talk about the kids who both started classes that day. Then came home and:

a) read lovely story
philomytha wrote me about Simon and Alys.

b) (not unrelatedly) watched first two episodes of "Orange is the New Black." Which I like (especially Kate Mulgrew, OMG) not least for the way it moved through the slightly-itchy "our perspective character is the pretty blonde white girl DUH" into a complete self-awareness of that trope ("I've only spoken to white people!"). And I think I'll keep liking it. But wow, what a year for shows featuring women - "Orphan Black" and I can count "The Good Wife" since I only started watching it this year. And PoI achieving something close to parity.

Speaking of which,
pofinterest_chat is active and chatting about PoI!

And now my coffee is done so I must pack plants into the car and go off to the garden. TTFN.

This entry was originally posted at http://hedda62.dreamwidth.org/61974.html. There are currently
comments there. Comment here or there.

person of interest, tv, family, vorkosiverse

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