Mar 18, 2005 22:16
*Monday + Tuesday-Really Long day..had 2 take those stupid Random Testies! Um i don't remeba if i did nethang!
*Wednesday-First Late Start Day at was saweet but egh skool of course wasn't..but i went 2 Amanda's <33 house afta 2 do rite!
*Thursday-Skool..Hung out wit Mr.Adam..had fun! Love ya Kid!
*Today-Anna <33 Came ova at like 7:20...Amanda <33 came over at 8 and we sat around..played scene ready then walked to McDonalds! Tat sure was fun! I have 2 say they can scare the black off of ya! lol..So yeah went 2 skool..afta skool me and Katie Her <33 went wit ma sis 2 the gastation and the pet store! LMAO THE BATHROOM SCENCE WAS TOO FFFFFING FUNNAY!! lol our secret! ;) yes tat's Mark and tat's Adam lol..Work it tat's it..nice ( me takin pics of the carts)*Katie..tat guy prolly tinks ur crazay! lmao good times! then was suppose 2 go 2 battle of the bands but Katie BeeBee <3 and Crystal <3..but couldn't so yeah tat's my week! Love ya