Title: This Strong Hand
Author: Montmorency
Pairing: Hector/Paris
Fandom: Troy/Iliad
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the setting, but then neither does Hollywood. Homer never held a copyright. *smirk*
Summary: The end - which ends well before the end that Homer told. I’ve never planned to get into the whole thing about the Trojan War. I prefer to leave the princes on a (relatively) happy note.
A/N: Chapter 15. Closure. It’s a good thing. All too long ago, I chatted with Eviea about how it would end. She’s quite the history scholar, so she told me of the sad and beautiful words in The Aeneid, where the ghost of Hector visits Aeneas. I have messed with the immortal words of Virgil to end my story. May the gods forgive me.
This Strong Hand