Aug 26, 2006 01:40
Hello all :)
I'm writing on the off chance if someone wouldn't mind taking a look over a Hector/Paris and Banabloom story I've just finished writing (you'll see what I'm talking about if you take a look)?
Here's a small snippet, if anyone is interested:
"Yes, Troy has sheltered me," Hector continued, unaware of what was going on in Paris' head, "she has kept my body safe and protects those I love. But you... I find myself loving you, Paris, just as much as I love Andromache and my son. There are no others I trust to shelter my heart."
"I desire you, Hector. I long to touch and explore you. I want to know what it is like to love and be loved by you," Paris admitted, turning now to look into Hector's eyes. In the past, with anyone else, he knew he would have pressed his advantage and used every trick he knew to get the person into his bed, but this was different. Hector was different. Everything about Hector was different.
I'd appreciate any help anyone is willing to give with regards to looking over this story.
While I'm here I'm also going to ask if anyone knows (or knows someone who does) the latin translation of "For All Others"? Latin is not a language I've ever studied and a search on the internet did give a basic translation, but since it is from an online dictionary... I'd just be grateful if someone can verify for me :)
Thank you for reading on this far and my email address is: alilacia [at] hotmail [dot] com if any of you would prefer emails to comments.