Today, as is my wont, I had BBC Radio 4 chuntering away in the background while I frittered the morning away trying to impose some sort of order on the 11,000 image files in my iPhoto app..
Up pops Roger Boulton, one of radio's more sober reporters, doing a 30-minute piece on the Codex Sinaiticus - The Oldest Bible. Quite fascinating and well worth the listen.
Here's the link: And for those of you who want to read a bit of background before giving away a half-hour of your life, here's the official Codex site: My thought tracked immediately to the Reincarnation thread which was locked by C'ris when it went nukular. If I thought it'd do any good, I'd draw it to the attention of Whackedout/Unbalanced across there. The programme discusses the addition of verses at the end of the Mark Gospel to try strengthen and substantiate the Resurrection, and the excision of the anti-semitic Barnabas Gospel and the obscure revelations in The Shepherd by 2nd c. Roman writer Hermas.
Divinely inspired? Maybe. The work of man? Oh, definitely.
Go listen