Aug 23, 2007 00:49
Hello. It's been a while, but I'm still breathing. Actually, a long drawn out breath literally escaped my mouth just then... it's 12:49am and I will have to awaken in 7 hours to preparise for work. Trims work. But yes, much about muchness has happened in my life since that last entry in the far far distance, which is probably a million miles away. I've decided to just type out such things in a non-lineal format, perhaps not even all in this one entry... maybe I'll have flashback entries or something? hehehe.
Flashbacks? Who mentioned flashbacks? Oh well, might as well bring out that one as an apetiser. ha. Only recently i exposed myself to the first episode of "Lost", which then became my mini-obsession occupying my mentality from mid July to mid August. I literally and randomly brought it up in conversation with friends, whos' reaction was once-upon-a-time the way I reacted whenever someone had asked if I ever watched "Lost"; a shake of the head and ah, "Nahhhh.. why would i?" And seriously, it is damn-fareekingly-addictive. The whole initiation of the whole Lost-obsession process began when I was in JBs and saw they had this Buy-2-dvd-boxsets-get-the-third-free and I had grabbed Desperate Housewives S1 and randomly That 70's Show S3.. and I just figured that i would have to literally force myself to watch Lost if I got it and it would be a good way to just see what it was all about. As well as that, I could never just start watching it on Tv as I had an idea that season 3 was then currently airing. After having the dvds sit in my living room untouched for about a couple of weeks, I then watched the first 4 episodes on disc 1... and from there, I was enduced. Completely immobile during one day off from work, I watched half a day's worth of episodes, then sooner realising I would need to purchase season 2 much sooner than I thought, as I knew I would hate to be left on the first season's finale cliffhanger. Having no commercials is absolutely brilliant and I realised that I would not have any patience watching it as an actual tv broadcast. The whole Lost-obs had it's downs too as I realised I wasn't doing any graphicd work at home... too distracted with the thought that I could be watching and catching up with the rest of the seasons. I am glad to say that I have now caught up and life has resumed to somewhat some kind of normality and I know that I can't really obsess any more about it until season 4 returns next year. Two words to sum up this entire paragraph.. ME. NERD.
Though I don't want to further concrete that I'm a complete and total nerd, I just want to devote this paragraph to other recent nerdy occurrences regarding me so I can just get it out of the way! The Buffyverse has returned in comic form... continuing from the end of the last season on television, Joss Whedon had decided to name the series as Season 8. Pounding with excitement i was as I bought the first and so-far released 5 comics...and also happy to say that Joss has written the scripts and such, still containing that familiar Buffyness that I was very much obsessed with as a high schoolian. As well as that, for my 22nd birthday a present from a wonderful group of friends entailed a large sum of dosh to contribute towards my buying of a Macbook Pro. Only this previous week as I was looking at them in David Jones with Bretti, a discussion took place that it might be more advantageous and not to mention much cheaper to buy just a new iMac... and how freakin' rad is the fact that I'll be getting one with a screen size of 28 (i think) inches!!! Gasp-a-rama. Can't wait.
Other mini obsessions I've had of late...
grilled cheese toast
buying new tees
I registered myself a business name. Pixel Breakfast. it was originally Edible Pixels... however, the day I was going to register it we also had to come up with an alternate name in case I wouldn't be able to and I just wanted it to be just as good. I then ended up liking the latter slightly more... it was a little dilemma realising I had created a problem for myself rather than a back-up plan, but though I was torn between two names, I had to go with my gut feeling. And well, breakfast kinda ends up in my gut anyway.. so yeah. Ha, nah, that's not how i went with it.. it was just something I felt a little more passion for. Anywho, i'm on the very edge of finishing the logo, which I will then be able to being making my website from. I have a temp "coming soon" and temp logo up -which was created in 5 minutes hence it's vulgar visualness... but yes, will be the place to be. I'm aiming to launch the site mid September! So stay tuned for that one.
Things i'd like to mention that has happened but only in a small amount of words or less...
I'm now 22! Had bowling party.
Bretti and i have been together for 3years from today! [woot!]
Might be going to Perth for Southbound concert with Bretti.
Anyway, i am way too tired to be typing out anymore. A semi-epic entry hey Ryan?! lol. well I tried. Most stuff you already knew dude. hehe.
Adios readers. I shall try my hardest to keep updating more often.
Man.. that is freakin' weird. After pasting this into the browswer from Notepad, one of the advertisements to the side is about Buffy Season 8 in comics. Caarrraaazy. And i thought the world doesn't revolve around what I think. ha. {raises right eyebrow}